I’m happy to announce that Janet Bauer joined the Women's Inquiry team of facilitators. Barbara Carr Brossman, Amy L. Sky and Janet met Friday night to look at how we are doing and what's next. It was an exciting meeting since we plan to make this easy to duplicate anywhere in the country as a community service in the coming year. That is why it is critical that I hear from you-- what you have gained from the meeting, what value it has had, what suggestions you have to improve it, and any other comments you may have. This is a work in progress and it needs you to make it the best creation it can be! Imagine women around the county being able to authentically connect and share their lives with each other to enhance their relationships, confidence, effectiveness and success in business. I see this also as a complement to the Men's Inquiry and we will be scheduling future Men's and Women's Inquires as well. Please reply to this note or forward your comments martin@coachingsupport.com (all comments will be used only with the Inquiry team to help all of us and your name will be removed)
Speaking of the Men's and Women's Inquiry, we are working on creating that and are seeking a free or close-to-free space to have it. Topics for that are welcome; one possible example is "What we really want in life, in relationships, with each other?" With my book coming out, I will need a lot of support to make our joint meeting happen. Updates on the book and CD can be found on the blog for the Men's Inquiry : http://toinquire.blogspot.com/ If you read down the post you will see the write-up on how I was on a talk show July 4th discussing the Men’s and Women’s Inquiry. A CD of the radio interview is available to borrow at the house.
The CD of the Men's Inquiry is available and designed to be a fund raiser for the Men's & Women's Inquiry: http://www.toinquire.com/liveinquiry.htm
I will also start having copies at the house & their are several at Dancing Moon to buy as well ( $12.95).
If you miss the meeting or want to continue the discussion, we have created an on-line Women's Inquiry (which Evelyn Seabold assists with): http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Womens-Inquiry/
The Women's Inquiry Blog: http://womensinquiry.blogspot.com/. And the Single Mothers (Single Parent) Raising Sons: What works & what does not work: http://mothersandsons.blogspot.com/
Last I need to share that Barbara is offering free 1/2 hr sessions at Harmony Farms for the next three Saturdays in July. You need to sign up in advance for that so call her at (919) 845-4385 or e-mail her at barbara@naturesface.net website: http://www.naturesface.net/ . Just a note for the women that give their time to help out with the inquiry I will include some announcement like this in future emails.
Be well,Martin BrossmanBusiness / Life Coach(919) 847-4757