What have you gained out of The Women's Inquiry or any value you received directly or indirectly?
What are you going to take on in 2007?
How could you let people support you in your 2007 goals?
Either post a reply to this note or email me with the subject line 'Add to Women's Inquiry Blog' martin@coachingsupport.com . If you have a web site related to your goals post it! Also, I just want to share photos that I took in Washington DC while going downtown to see the Christmas decorations (http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinbrossman/) : I want to thank you all for the contribution you have made in my life as well as Barbara's and tell you how YOU inspire me! A few of the photos:

Also, thanks to all that contributed by buying products and service to support The Men's & Women's Inquiry. Your effort was greatly appreciated!
Be well!
Martin Brossman and the Inquiry Team!
From the Women's Inquiry Blog: http://womensinquiry.blogspot.com/