I, Martin Brossman, will be leading the Women's Inquiry for now.
When Amy Sky ( www.amysky.com ) stepped down from leading the Women's Inquiry and Janet Bauer ( www.whatsgreataboutyou.com ) was both out of the country training and schedule to train at local Universities during this time we asked the women to suggest someone to lead and they mentioned my name.
In a great talk with Amy I realized that I have created the concept of the 'casual inquiry' and understood it better than anyone. I also realized that when the Women's Inquiry was created I was not as effective in explaining what was unique about the inquiry then I am now. So to model the process and simply I am honored to do it I will lead it for now with Barbara, Janet and the rest of the teams support. I am clear how funny it may sound that a man is leading a Women's discussion group but I bring unique skills and experiences that make it work. The women that show up expect excellence which brings out my best and understand the work that is to be done in the meeting. This is not just a social event but something that changes all of our lives to different degrees.
The Inquiry is about creating a safe space that lets the members authentically contribute at the level they are comfortable with. The ground rules and the design of the questions are critical to clear a space where the members can hear and discover insights into their own lives that they may not have on their own. It also creates a real connection between the members that last in their daily lives long after the meeting. The process of completing with what insights were gained and what actions will be taken the members both clam the gold from the meeting for themselves and take it out into their lives.
If you have not come in a while or never come to the Women's Inquiry I hope you will take the time to try it out.
I am honored and appreciate the Men's & Women's Inquiry for it has added much to my and my beautiful wifes Barbara's life (www.NaturesFace.com ) . I am not shy to say, if you have not tryed out a session with Barbara you have missed a gift!
Thanks You
Martin Brossman
The drawing in this blog is one of my drawings.
The home web site for The Women's Inquiry is: www.thewomensinquiry.com
From the Women's Inquiry Blog: http://womensinquiry.blogspot.com/
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